K-INF for microgrids frequency regulation ensures better dynamic performance for large load variations, up to 50%.
Both regulation precision and compliance with grid codes are improved.

K-INF allows hybrid/multi-storage sources being coordinated such that each of them operates within its specialisation domain.

Reinforced grid flexibility
Economical gain
Positive ecological impact

K-INF will constitute the basis for a broad range of effective PMSs for microgrids, such as islands, geographical regions, electrical vehicles, ships, etc., either connected to the main grid or autonomous.

May - June 2020
End of tests and diagnostics of LiFePo batteries working in the micro-grid frequency regulation use-case simulated environment
Beside the demonstrator computing hardware, this test bench has a power interface composed of a DC-DC synchronous buck converter, custom source/sink and current and voltage transducers.
In this real-time simulation setup, battery model is replaced by real batteries which work in interaction with the simulated environments (via the power interface) within a variety of controllable scenarios.
Batteries have been solicited within operation cycles relevant to the frequency regulation use case in order to quantify fatigue effects on their state of health (SoH).
Two main kinds of tests have been done:
by using only-battery storage with standard PMS
by using battery-ultracapacitor hybrid storage managed by K-INF PMS
Diagnostics have revealed:
less degradation of the battery residual capacity of discharge when hybridized with ultracapacitor: more than 50% of gain
as a consequence, extension of battery service time by more than 30% when considering battery end-of-usage remaining capacity at 80%

July 2020
At the end of its technological maturation phase, K-INF enters the commercialization phase
In this phase the aim is to transfer the intellectual property created around, namely:
the software license
and the associated know-how

September 2020
K-INF was part of the
Technology Showcase
at Forum 5i (Innovation, Industrie, Inclusion, Investissement, International)
on Tuesday September 29 2020, at Grenoble World Trade Center
Each year, Forum 5i at Grenoble, in the heart of Alps, receives 500 visitors and approaches a chosen innovative topic, allowing to innovation actors to meet and discuss technological, economical and societal problems of that domain, as well as to exhibit new innovative projects in the field.
In 2020, Forum 5i focused on: “Innovation and carbon footprint: which synergies?”
Put into practice with the help of La Casemate and of regional research actors, the Technology Showcase is composed of innovative projects issued from regional research laboratories.
This showcase aimed at highlighting the vitality and pluridisciplinarity of the regional research, as well as its active presence in highly-innovative domains.
In 2020, ten regional projects were present on topic “Innovation and carbon footprint: which synergies?” -- among them, K-INF.
Dr. Antoneta Iuliana BRATCU
GIPSA-lab - Control Systems and Diagnostic Division
Grenoble Institute of Engineering and Management
11 Rue des Mathématiques, BP 46
38402 Saint-Martin d'Hères Cedex - FRANCE